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Property Times Office Beijing Q2 2008

03-20  浏览次数:597次  栏目:房地产综合资料

  • 名称:Property Times Office Beijing Q2 2008 下载
  • 类型:房地产综合资料
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-20
  • 下载次数:597
  • 大小:302 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级
  • 编号: z8234085
《Property Times Office Beijing Q2 2008》简介

标签:房地产综合资料, 本站提供Property Times Office Beijing Q2 2008免费下载,http://www.jzr88.com
The extent to which an expected slow in global growthstemming from turmoil in the American housing and financialmarkets will affect China's hitherto booming economy has beena much debated topic over the past six months. Most insidersbelieve that Chinese economic growth, which over the c..,大小:302 KB

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